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Orange County Homeless Get Game-Changing Help Via GoFundMe Patrons

Orange County Homeless Get Game-Changing Help Via GoFundMe Patrons

By John Cádiz Klemack / NBC Los Angeles

Originally published in NBC LA.

Some in Orange County are using GoFundMe to try to make a dent in the homeless population.

Orange County United Way, as part of its WelcomeHomeOC program to end homelessness, jumped on board to help 30 families who would otherwise lose their federal housing vouchers at the end of this month.

The GoFundMe campaign started earlier this month. Three weeks later, and they say they have enough money to house 22 families.

They need to make it to 30 before federal housing vouchers expire for the families at the end of the month.

But if they’re able to do it, that’s where the real change could come, because then they could compete to get an additional 300 vouchers for homeless people in Orange County next year.


To continue reading, click here to see the original article on NBC LA’s website.

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