Orange County United Way Journey to 100
What opportunities do Orange County students need to succeed?

What opportunities do Orange County students need to succeed?

Answer: Equal educational opportunities

Each year, more than 2,700 Orange County students either drop out or do not graduate. And a majority of these students come from our Title I low-income schools. By creating opportunities or pathways in education, we build educational equity to prepare local students to achieve more success in life.

In 2023, Orange County United Way supported 1,233 local students with educational programs, work-based learning opportunities, and one-on-one mentorships. Together, as a community, we can empower our students to reach their full potential. Like Alex, who benefited from our Youth Career Connections Workplace Mentorship Program, which helped him explore new career pathways while providing valuable on-the-job experience.

As a first-generation, low-income student, this mentorship experience gave me confidence in my ability to be in professional spaces. I grew as a person, I felt empowered, and I know I can keep going and be successful.

—Alex, Youth Career Connections Program Workplace Mentee

Join us and be a part of the solution!

One of our key initiatives, United for Student Success℠ focuses on addressing the inequities that our students face, especially those from historically underserved communities of color and economically vulnerable households. We believe all students should have access to quality education and the opportunity to graduate on time prepared for college, career, and beyond.

Orange County United Way has been caring for our community for the last century. As we begin the journey to the next 100 years of community impact, we invite you to be a part of our dynamic plans to solve homelessness, increase financial security, and help students succeed.

United for Student Success Orange County
Journey to 100 Orange County United Way initiatives

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