Finding out that she would be receiving more than $3,000 from her Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Cal EITC had Gloria smiling from ear to ear.
“When my volunteer tax preparer informed me about how much money I was getting back my heart fluttered. I’m so grateful for the OC FREE TAX PREP program that helped me prepare my taxes accurately and to get this refund,” said Gloria.
At first, Gloria didn’t know that she was eligible for Cal EITC until she met with an IRS-certified Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) volunteer tax preparer at the Anaheim Independencia Family Resource Center, one of the OC FREE TAX PREP locations.
The VITA volunteer tax preparer walked her through the federal and state tax return process, explaining every step of the way, making sure Gloria was able to keep more of her hard-earned money.
For Gloria, the California and federal EITC are extremely helpful in making ends meet. She will use the refund to purchase four new tires for her car, allowing her to have adequate transportation for herself and her grandson that she is raising. It also helps provide additional funds for his childcare.
Gloria was so impressed with the quality service she received that she hopes Orange County United Way’s OC FREE TAX PREP program continues for years to come.
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