Meet Maria: OC Free Tax Team Member – and Client too!
Maria started working for Orange County United Way’s OC Free Tax Prep as a project coordinator where she saw firsthand how many people benefited from the services provided through this community resource. So this year, she thought she would try to complete her federal and state 2017 tax returns with, United Way’s free online tax filing software available nationwide!
Maria found very user-friendly and easy to navigate. To get ready to file, she had printed her two W2s but did not download them to her computer. At first she felt overwhelmed that she would have to type in all the information from the boxes, but quickly realized that she could take a photo of the W2 and the system would extract the information for her. This saved her a ton of time and she was really happy that it worked so well!
Maria’s other concern was that her social security number had been used illegally in 2017, and as a result her credit score was compromised. While she did what she needed to do to resolve the problem last year, she was unsure how it would affect her tax returns.
Since is a safe and secure way to file your taxes, she trusted the program and was relieved when both the state and federal tax returns were accepted.
Not only did Maria save $200 in fees, but she received a significant tax refund that she will be using to open a ROTH IRA retirement account.
Maria is so happy with her experience that she would recommend the software to others.