Orange County United Way COVID-19 Update
Updated March 23, 2020:
Volunteer and other ways to help needed! Learn immediate volunteer needs in Orange County.
Posted March 14, 2020:
Orange County United Way Raising Money to Establish Emergency Relief Fund to Support OC’s Most Vulnerable During COVID-19 Response
Please visit Orange County United Way’s Pandemic Relief Fund GoFundMe page for more information or to make a donation.
Posted March 13, 2020:
Orange County United Way is continuing to monitor the unfolding situation with the COVID-19. Here is a quick update on status and actions. Obviously, this is a fluid situation so we will provide additional updates as appropriate.
- As for our United Way employees, we are doing our best to ensure they are able to continue to do the amazing work while knowing their personal health is paramount for our county’s speedy recovery. Thus, at times we may be working remotely and pivoting from in-person events to electronic ones; all while we continue our important work to improve lives.
- As for our events, here is an update:
- Scorecard 3/25: is being cancelled as an in person event. However, we will create an electronic version to share with all of you to showcase what Orange County has accomplished together in improving the lives of so many over the past year.
- WPF Breakfast 5/20: We are keeping it on your calendars for now but, know we may need to move it depending on our collective progress in managing the spread of the virus.
- Smaller Events: We will send separate notices to those groups impacted, like our Affinity Groups, to keep you up to date.
- As for our Community Impact work, we are determining how to best help and even accelerate our work to ensure the most at risk are supported. Our teams are working closely with the County, non-profit partners and the schools to learn the most critical needs and create the appropriate solutions. Obviously, this is fluid but, we are actively engaged to find ways to help those most in need.
- Finally, we are setting up a fund to help fill gaps that have been exposed or worsened through this period of uncertainty. You’ll receive a separate note on that fund. United Way’s strength is helping communities rebuild and strengthen during and after challenging situations like this. We will need your help.
Now, I will invoke my dear 92 year old mom’s message. This too shall pass. We will manage through this as a community and know your United Way will help make us even stronger.
Thank you for all your support and let us know how we can help you as we all navigate this uncertain moment together.
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Can you give money to my employer, a restaurant or to me a laid off waiter?
Hi Greg, Thank you for writing to us. We are very sorry to hear about your situation. In order to offer the best resources to assist you, please call/email 2-1-1 OC. They will ask you questions to learn more about your specific situation so you can get the right resources.
Phone number: Dial 2-1-1
I have the same question Greg, but I will be more specific for you. How does one in need apply for donations through the pandemic fund ? There is no information for those who still havent received any unemployment and no longer havea job because if COVID 19.
Hi Rebecca, Thank you for writing to us. In order to offer the best resources to assist you, please call/email 2-1-1 OC. They will ask you questions to learn more about your specific situation so you can get the right resources.
Phone number: Dial 2-1-1
Hello, I need to know something, the person who lives with me refuses to stay home because of the quarantine, but I do not want him to come back because I am afraid he will get sick, if he comes back here, can I call the police?
Hi Maria, Thank you for writing to us. In order to offer the best resources to assist you, please call/email 2-1-1 OC. They will ask you questions to learn more about your specific situation so you can get the right resources.
Phone number: Dial 2-1-1
buenas tardes quisiera saber si ustedes pueden ayudar con los pagos de los biles y renta. porque me dieron la pagina de San Diego los que ayudando yo viví en OC. espero que me puedan ayudar esque me quede sin trabajo desde 3/17/20 por lo de Corona virus covid- 19
Buenos Dias Martha,
Gracias por escribirnos. Para ofrecer los mejores recursos para ayudarlo, llame / envíe un correo electrónico al 2-1-1 OC. Le harán preguntas para obtener más información sobre su situación específica para que pueda obtener los recursos adecuados.
Numero: Dial 2-1-1
Sitio Web:
Hello !
My mom passed away by covid 19, so Can I will receiver any treatment from GOV? If yes , What can I do now, Thanks !
Hi Son, Thank you for writing to us. We are very sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. In order to offer the best resources to assist you, please call/email 2-1-1 OC. They will ask you questions to learn more about your specific situation so you can get the right resources.
Phone number: Dial 2-1-1
how can i report a work place with covid and not shutting down for 14 days ?
Hi Cristina, Thank you for writing to us. Please call/email 2-1-1 OC. They will ask you questions to learn more about your specific situation so you can get the right resources.
Phone number: Dial 2-1-1
With the new lockdown curfew in place can I still jog in my neighborhood(1 block radius) with no mask if I see no one and put one on if I do so I can still run around and be active?
Hi Omar, Thank you for writing to us. Please call/email 2-1-1 OC. They will ask you questions to learn more about your specific situation so you can get the right resources.
Phone number: Dial 2-1-1
I go at 8 am anyway and I want to know if it is possible
system going make appointment for covid19 it’s simple very hard old peoples do that
I am 85 years old and have been trying for weeks to get a covid vaccination with no luck. I thought I was supposed to be high priority. Someone should be contacting me and not the other way around. The system is highly flawed,
Hi Scott, Thank you for writing to us. We are sorry to hear about your situation. In order to offer the best resources to assist you, please call/email 2-1-1 OC. They will ask you questions to learn more about your specific situation so you can get the right resources.
Phone number: Dial 2-1-1
I am 76. Have open sores on feet NOT DUE TO DIABETES. Blood pressure normal, not on any medications !!! T! he open sores are due to diagnosed Lyme !!!
Was wondering if it’s o.k. for me to get vaccinated against C ovid?
Hi Jane, Thank you for writing to us. We are sorry to hear about your situation. In order to offer the best resources to assist you, please call/email 2-1-1 OC. They will ask you questions to learn more about your specific situation so you can get the right resources.
Phone number: Dial 2-1-1
I like to have covid 1 vaccine.
I am 66 years old.
Hi Mohammad, Thank you for writing to us. In order to offer the best resources to assist you, please call/email 2-1-1 OC. They will ask you questions to learn more about your specific situation so you can get the right resources.
Phone number: Dial 2-1-1