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Our Destination Graduation program aims to increase the high school graduation rate by offering middle and high school students from high-need districts exciting college and career exploration opportunities, experimental hands-on learning STEM modules, socio-emotional and academic support, tutoring, virtual college field trips, corporate career days, and college and career fairs.
With the Independent Learning Center, we also provide a 21st Century independent study approach to educate and graduate at-risk and disengaged students who have dropped out of school. The learning center helps students find a pathway back, acquire the academic and behavioral skills needed to earn their high school diploma, and to succeed in college, career, and life.

Improving Teacher Training and Parental Effectiveness

Teachers in the program attend intensive summer education programs to learn innovative academic frameworks, creating a classroom culture of rigor and scholastic success.

To date, United Way has supported the training of 150 local teachers and expanded teaching methods to 180 additional school personnel

Student Engagement and Career Exploration

Orange County United Way is providing all Destination Graduation students exciting career exploration opportunities, both on and off-campus, via:

  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) experimental hands-on learning modules
  • Tutoring
  • Corporate Career Days
  • College and Career Fairs

50,000+ High school students received mentoring, tutoring, career planning and college exposure through Destination Graduation and other targeted programs to ensure they have every opportunity to succeed and contribute to our community

Destination Graduation currently partners with the administrators, teachers, students, and parents at 13 high schools and 9 middle schools, preparing more than 30,000 low-income students with the skills they need to be successful employees and citizens to compete in the global economy. Improving the graduation rate is a cornerstone of our FACE 2.0 2024 goal: Increase the high school graduation rate to 95% among students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.


Download the Destination Graduation program flyer to learn more.

Success Stories

“[Destination Graduation] gave me the confidence to say I am worthy of college and college is for me. My career goal is to become a high school teacher and help low-income communities through financial literacy.”


"I feel like before this program, I was very lost and didn't really know what I wanted to do or how to start the college application process. After attending workshops, I learned about the application process, the differences between UC, CSU and private universities, and the types of financial aid to pay for college. Thank you so much for this program."


"I'm first-generation high school graduate, so that's really scary for me. Destination Graduation provided insight on what to expect when applying to college and universities, scholarships, and the paths we can take. I really appreciated this program"



Need more information or have questions? Contact Yahaira Ortiz via email or phone 949.263.6142.

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