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It’s an exciting time for Orange County United Way. For our community. And for your company!

Join our centennial celebration in 2024 by signing up for the Corporate 100 challenge. Inspire your company to go above and beyond for Orange County by setting and reaching a goal of “100.”

Outstanding Corporate 100 Challenge Participants: Leaders Driving Community Impact


Automobile Club of Southern California provided a 100% match for their fundraising campaign last year, doubling the total amount donated.

100 KITS X 7!

At their Global Finance Conference, associates gathered 100 volunteers at two different locations (for a total of 200 volunteers) who created 700 items and kits to donate.

100 KITS X 7!

At their recent California-wide conference, they gathered 7 groups of 100 volunteers (for a total of 700 volunteers) to assemble literacy kits for local schools.

100 SOCKS x 25

7 Leaves Café hosted a sock drive across their 18 OC locations and collected 2,500 socks to help residents experiencing homelessness.

100 KITS x 2

Little Diversified Architectural Consulting is proud to participate in our Corporate 100 Challenge by providing 200 school supply kits.

We only turn 100 once. Don’t miss this exciting and unique opportunity to make a positive impact within your company and in our community. It’s easy, fun, and rewarding for all involved. Join us in committing to another 100 years of caring for our community The OC Way!

Join the Corporate 100 Challenge!

The Corporate 100 Challenge is an ideal way to engage employees, boost morale, get your workforce excited about creating a legacy of community impact, and achieve your corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals. Involving employees in community impact activities can enhance teamwork, collaboration, and overall job satisfaction.

You can add 100 donors, commit to 100 more volunteer hours, pledge an additional $100,000, or get creative and come up with your own unique 100 challenge that aligns with your company’s purpose and passion.

Contact Us

To learn more, contact Angely Andrade Vallarta, Corporate Engagement Director at 949.263.6117 or via email.

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