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By staying informed and helping advocate you will help create a stronger and healthier Orange County.
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Join the Fight!
Together we fight for the education, health, housing and financial stability of every person in Orange County.
Stay Informed of the Issues
- More than 30,000 OC children and their families often don’t know where they will sleep at night. You can help open the door to stable housing in our community.
- On average, 3,000 OC students drop out of high school each year. Lack of education creates an unstable future for them and a financial burden for the community. You can help more children reach their full potential.
- One in four OC residents lives in poverty and struggles to make ends meet. You can help more families in our community get on the road to self-sufficiency.
- 1/3 of OC children are overweight or obese, leading to serious chronic health issues. You can help improve the health of children in our community.
Get Monthly Updates
- Stay up-to-date with our efforts to cut the high school dropout rate in 1/2, increase the number of healthy youth by 1/3, cut the percentage of homeless or unstably housed children & families in 1/2 and reduce the percentage of financially unstable families by 25%
- Read real success stories of the lives we are helping to change
- Learn how local companies and their employees are helping support our efforts
- Engage in local volunteer opportunities and learn about special events